LA Opera Connects artists give musical bedside visits to patients at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehab Center. Read on to learn about one of the ways we promote healing through music in our community.
Exploring the connections between music, wellness, and recovery.
We've all felt it, that magical moment when a song lifts you up and changes how you feel. Music makes us smile, laugh, cry, dance—and perhaps more. What if music could help you alleviate pain or anxiety?
We're on a mission to explore the connections between music, wellness, and recovery, as part of our ongoing collaborations with Los Angeles medical, veteran and health partners. Everyone should have the opportunity to experience the power of opera and the potential healing power of music.
Singing can improve posture and strengthen respiratory muscles, as well as support mental health. Learn how LA Opera Connects teaching artists are giving doctors at UCLA Health a new tool to treat the symptoms of respiratory disorders.
Explore podcasts, videos, and other arts and health resources created by artists, scholars, researchers, healthcare practitioners, and more other advocates in the field.