Wellness Resources

Support your health through music.

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In this curated selection of podcasts and videos, music therapists, scholars, and arts practitioners discuss the ways in which the arts can improve your wellbeing, and lead you through exercises to practice these techniques. For even more  arts and health content, visit our Los Angeles County Arts and Health Week Summit webpage to watch recorded presentations from Summits past.



Discover new insights on the go with these podcasts featuring Arts and Health practitioners and episodes from our Music and Wellness series.

Join teaching artists Dr. Michele Patzakis,  Nani Sinha, Jonathan Lacayo, and Charlie Kim for a grounding session inspired by techniques real opera singers use before performing.

To get in touch with questions, connect with us at Connects@laopera.org or call us at 213.972.3157.

LA Opera Connects is generously supported by
The Emanuel Treitel Senior Citizen Fund
The Green Foundation
The Music Man Foundation
LA County Department of Arts and Culture as part of Creative Recovery LA, an initiative funded by the American Rescue Plan