
June 25, 2024

Career Development with LA Opera

In addition to staging world-class operas, LA Opera also believes in career development. Nowhere is this more evident than in our Leadership Academy program. Through this pioneering program, we recruit high schoolers for paid internships that run up to six years. The interns rotate through various departments in the company, making it perfect for students who are beginning to plan their career paths. But don’t take our word for it: hear from one of our very own interns, Cristian Venegas, as he recaps his experiences in his final year in the program.

Please introduce yourself and how many years you’ve been an intern.   

My name is Cristian Venegas. I have been with LA Opera’s Academy program for 6 years. I went to the same high school as Maya Ordoñez, who was the very first academy intern at LA Opera and is currently the Manager for Artistic Programs and Rehearsal. I admired her work ethic and how she managed to balance classes and working at LAO simultaneously. One of my high school theater teachers heard that LAO was making the internship a recurring endeavor and encouraged me to apply for it. The rest was history. 

What has been one of your favorite memories doing this internship? 

It is very difficult to select my favorite experiences because I’ve had the great fortune of working on so many incredible projects and gotten to meet so many magnificent people. A specific set of memories that have stayed with me have included working on the Community Opera with the Connects department for several years. It is always exciting to engage with the local community and see the direct impact our work had on participants of all ages. It was especially rewarding to see how accomplished our younger participants feel after completing their performance at the Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral. It is very rewarding to see how a community can come together to collaborate and enjoy creating art together. 

What has been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned in this internship? 

One of the most important things I have learned in my time with LAO has been how to advocate for myself and understanding what the dynamics of the workplace are and how they influence the work we do. At LAO, I have been very lucky to have experienced a very community-oriented work environment where everyone plays a vital role in making our work possible. It was instilled in me that there shouldn’t be a fear in asking for help as we are all working towards the same goal. The mentorship I have received has been pivotal in my development. 

How does it feel now that your internship is ending? 

It is bittersweet to be concluding my time with LAO’s academy internship program. I have been with the company through some of the most pivotal developments of my life and career so it’s hard to imagine my life where I’m not involved with the Opera in some way, shape, or form. 

What skills do you believe were you able to hone during your time here and how will they help you in the future? 

Some skills I’ve been able to hone have been effective communication with people of different backgrounds, navigating high stress situations, problem-solving, being detail oriented just to name some. These tools are incredibly valuable because they extend beyond the workforce. I can be in a wide variety of circumstances, remain grounded, think on my feet and deescalate whatever problem I face. 

How has this internship affected your view on opera?   

My time at LA Opera has only reinforced my love for the arts! I was very fortunate to have seen some opera prior to joining the LAO team, which I enjoyed. Since then, I have fallen in love with the medium and strengthened my belief that the arts must be accessible to all people. It truly takes an army to bring this beautiful art form to the people and seeing how much passion and hard work goes into making the performances an unforgettable experience gives me pride and hope for what can be accomplished when we, as artists, continue to tell stories, represent the communities around us, and inspire people to continue to push for a better tomorrow. 

Are you interested in further pursuing a career in the arts? 

I am an actor by trade, so pursuing the arts as a career has always been something I continuously have been working towards. Seeing what happens behind the scenes only expands my gratitude for the people who do this type of work. This innate instinct is such a gift to share.   

Finally, what would be your advice to future interns or to any young person pursuing a career?  

To any young person who may become an intern with LAO or wants to pursue a career in the arts I would say to take the leap of faith and do it with an open heart. There is a place for everyone in the arts and it is such an important aspect of all culture that it continues to withstand the test of time. Take full advantage of all the resources that are available to you, and you will be surprised by what you learn about yourself. I applied to the internship on a whim, not expecting to be selected. By taking that chance, I did not foresee that in many ways my life would be changed for the better. The arts are about connectedness and community. There are people who will be there to support you and guide you if you take the time to look around and ask for help. Finding different ways to engage with the arts can bring so much fulfillment to your life. I have come out of this experience with a second home and a family that I will cherish forever.