Opera for Educators: Lausd salary points

LAUSD Salary Points Guidelines

Using the guidelines outlined by LAUSD, please note the following ways to earn up to two salary points in the 24/25 season. If needed, refer to LA Opera’s Homework Menu to view outside preparation assignments, which can be combined to achieve the total homework hours required. Below is a guide for calculating how you can achieve LAUSD salary points through LA Opera’s professional development series, Opera for Educators.

For 1 salary point - choose one of the following:

  • Attend six Saturday sessions for 30 class hours with no outside preparation
  • Attend three Saturday sessions for 15 class hours AND complete 30 hours of outside preparation detailed in LA Opera’s Homework Menu

For 2 salary points:

  • Attend six Saturday sessions for 30 class hours AND complete 60 hours of outside preparation detailed in LA Opera’s Homework Menu

End of season submitting instructions

1. At your final session, please pick up and complete LA Opera’s Record of Participation

2. Email all written and supporting materials and scan/photograph and send ticket stubs to Andréa at afuentes@laopera.org by 06/10/25. You may also mail homework materials and evidence, postmarked before 06/10/25, to the following address:

Andréa Fuentes
Los Angeles Opera, Connects
135 N. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

3. When sending in written work to fulfill LAUSD homework guidelines, please make sure:

  • All submissions should be typed
  • All lesson plans follow appropriate lesson plan protocols
  • The submission reflects adequate study and professional quality

4. Once all materials have been processed by LA Opera, we will complete an NA-Form to submit to LAUSD for processing your salary point (and email you a copy for your records).

5. LAUSD can take up to three months to process salary points after the NA-Forms have been submitted. To track your progress, please go to http://achieve.lausd.net/salary

Homework Menu

Please select from the menu below and attach work and evidence. There will be opportunities for you to work with LA Opera staff during each Opera for Educators session to refine and develop your materials. You will need to complete 15 in-class hours and 30 homework hours to achieve one salary point.


Attend one opera and write a three page essay/review. Total time: 10 hours.


Attend the pre-opera lecture (1 hour) and the accompanying opera (3 hours) and complete a three-page essay including information about the opera and composer, assessing artistic choices, examining potential classroom application, and make connections to materials learned in class sessions. (6 hours).

Attend one opera. Total time: 3-4 hours.

Time dependent upon whether or not teacher attends pre-opera talk.

Create one opera lesson plan. Total time: 5 hours

Lesson must include evidence from class sessions and/or LA Opera teacher materials, and an assessment tool (rubric or other).

Participate in Community Opera. Nine workshops and two performances. Total time: 44 hours

Teachers learn and perform opera in a spectacular community pageant. At seven staging and singing workshops, teachers work with LA Opera professional staff to learn their parts in the opera and rehearse as an ensemble. Performance week adds a full set, sound and lighting, community choirs and orchestra. Includes two, one-hour performances for more than 5,000 people at Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels with an additional hour call time for each performance.

Watch one opera via streaming link and write a three page essay. Total time: 7 hours

Watch a digital recording of an opera from the current LA Opera season (3 hours) and write a critical review or essay comparing the opera to the place/time in history in which it was set. And/or compare and contrast the opera with the source material (play, novel etc), examining potential classroom applications, while making connections to session materials. (4 hours).

Create one unit plan. Total time: 15 hours

Must contain at least two lessons, an assessment tool (rubric) and two or more performance tasks from which to choose.

Administer an opera lesson plan and provide evidence. Total time: 10 hours

Must include lesson materials, rubric, and assessment data from students.